@prefix cc: . @prefix gvp: . @prefix void: . @prefix owl: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix iso-thes: . @prefix lt: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xe: . @prefix nkos: . @prefix wk: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix vocnet: . @prefix obg: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix vann: . @prefix vs: . @prefix jmb: . @prefix dc: . @prefix crm: . lt:lido00100 a skos:Concept ; cc:licence ; dcterms:created "2010-04-30T18:12:25+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; dcterms:licence ; dcterms:modified "2022-12-13T13:44:24+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; iso-thes:status "Approved" ; vocnet:editingState "Finalized" ; skos:altLabel "Locally defined identifier"@en , "Lokal definierter Identifikator"@de , "Lokale ID"@de , "Local ID"@en ; skos:definition "**Local identifier**, as a value for the type attribute of any of the LIDO identifier elements, such as *Actor Identifier*, *Concept Identifier*, *Event Identifier*, designates an assigned code that is uniquely and meaningfully defined only in the local source system."@en ; skos:example "Examples for local identifiers:\n- UUID: 0861ff61-f052-45b9-a415-d66517f0648e\n- primary database key: 1771661\n- SHA-1 hash: 3c3fcec03a813e9ecc1366bc10180d004f1170a4"@en ; skos:inScheme lt:identifier_type ; skos:prefLabel "Local identifier"@en , "Lokaler Identifikator"@de ; skos:scopeNote "Locally defined identifiers should not be used to establish equality between resources from separate source systems. They may be used only to compare resources coming from the same local system. They must not be considered to have meaning of their own. \nGlobally Unique Identifiers (GUID), although globally unique, are considered to be local identifiers."@en ; xe:alias .